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make entire header link to forum!

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make entire header link to forum!

Post by cisco007 »

have you ever wanted to just click your forums header and take you to the forum's index?
with this little snippet you can easily!

[i_i]open: this is for prosilver

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

<div class="headerbar">
[i_i]Replace with:

Code: Select all

<div class="headerbar" onclick="location.href='{U_INDEX}'" style="cursor:pointer">

i you want you can remove the phpbb logo, which i do, since that is what it's there for to link you to the forum, or you can leave it, if you want to remove it just do this:

[i_i]Find and Delete:

Code: Select all

<a href="{U_INDEX}" title="{L_INDEX}" id="logo">{SITE_LOGO_IMG}</a>

you can delete it or leave it, but if you are going to add this snippet, it's just redundant for it to be there!
the edits might be very similar for other styles, just find similar edits and do the same!