Autor: all4phone
Description: Displays the number of new PM in the navbar, in any colour chosen by Administrator, additionaly number and text is blinking, default is red - possibility of many changes in the ACP (font, text, background, colours, size, blur, shadow, variant, spacing, transform, decoration,transparency).
Mod version: 1.0.8
phpBB version: 3.0.10
Installation level: Easy
Installation time: ~10 minutes
Support Topic: [SUPPORT] Red Blinking PM
phpBB: link to topic
Testing board: ACP Settings Testing Area
Demo: demo
Demo Username: tester
Demo Password: 123456
- Features:
- Number of new PM is blinking (enable/disable in ACP).
- Words "new message" or "new messages" gives a link to the PM inbox, the number of messages is not a link. To go to the new PM must use the words link.
- Possibility change font style (italic) or/and font weight (bold).
- Possibility to change the colour of the number new PM (select any colour by popup color picker or write by hand in textarea, use hexidecimal colour codes eg. FF0000).
- Possibility to change font-family and font-size.
- Possibility to add tekst-shadow and text-shadow-blur.
- Possibility to change text-shadow colour (select any colour by color picker or write by hand in textarea, use hexidecimal colour codes eg. 000000).
- In ACP "Color Picker" for colour selection.
- Possibility enable blinking and formating of texts "new message" "new messages" (independent of the number PM).
- Possibility to set many options for background blinking number of new PM and of texts "new message" "new messages" (colour, border, radius).
- Possibility to set many formating options for text shadow (horizontal, vertical, size, colour) and blur (size, colour).
- Possibility to set many formating options for font and text (variant, spacing, transform, decoration).
- Help system in ACP.
- Background transparency for news about the new PM (1 new message), 0 to 100% (readout selection for the background color in the RGB system, needed to create a background transparency).
- Possibility to set color of number and text for unread messages.
- Added tabs to switch between settings in ACP module.
- Possibility enable showing unread PM on index board.
- Possibility on/off blinking unread PM on index board.
- Mozilla Firefox
- Opera
- Chrome
- Internet Explorer
- Opera mini (mobile)
Special thanks to Pico88, who helped me get ready installation and configuration modules for this MOD.
I dedicate this MOD to my brother-in-law, Masal, which can not see this anymore ...
- Available languages:
- English
- Polish
- Styles supported:
- prosilver
- subsilver2
- Modx:Yes.
- Automod:Yes.
View on the index page:
Transparency of background:
ACP module:
Sublilver2 and phpbb3Portal:
Screen's v 1.0.9
FAQ,s: [spoiler=FAQ 1]Note: Red Blinking PM MOD uses the jQuery library. It is your responsibility to ensure adding this MOD does not cause any conflicts with other jQuery related MODs on your board. jQuery should never be included on a page more than once.
If you have installed on your board other modifications that use the jQuery library also, such as mChat MOD, Social Network MOD and others:
after installation is complete (and You have a problem with blinking information about new PM - eg no blinking):
Open styles/prosilver/template/overall_header.html
Code: Select all
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
Download: download