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REq! Mod for rocket themes
REq! Mod for rocket themes
hello guys can someone modified the phpbbandbbcodes mod PM Notify & Guest Register bar to work for rocket themes and also mchat and thanks for post also for rocket themes.
Re: REq! Mod for rocket themes
have you first checked to see if those mods at already have support for those themes?
and are you talking about ALL rocket themes in general or just one?
and are you talking about ALL rocket themes in general or just one?
Re: REq! Mod for rocket themes
Bro.. i think almost mods are for prosilver and subsilver2.. im using metamorph style. i would like to use anti spam and mchat and thanks for post but the rocket themes style doesnt support this mods.
Re: REq! Mod for rocket themes
have you tried doing the edits to that style like you would try to do them for either style prosilver or subsilver2 and see what the effects would be? all the styles should be able to support all phpbb3 mods.
I can't really download those rocket themes to check so i can't really tell what the diference is.
I can't really download those rocket themes to check so i can't really tell what the diference is.
Re: REq! Mod for rocket themes
Thanks cisco007.. i got those rocket themes for free together with rokbb3 modules.. if you would like it i can give you those precious style..

Re: REq! Mod for rocket themes
well you didn't answer part of my question, have you tried to do the edits to your style to see what happens?